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I want to use an alternative CAM software? Learning about RML/G-CODE/NC-CODE,
Here is some info on using alternative CAM programs with the Roland milling machines. What is G-Code/NC-Code/RML Language/command sets ect? When people talk about G-Code they are basically talk
Do I need to do ROUGHING passes with each tool?
When I use Roughing it does not cut out the small holes and then when I finish the small tool goes into the hole and then breaks why? 3 different scenarios to consider with this question
I am getting an out of memory error on SRP Player what can I do to fix it?
Check what setting you have SRP Player set to for the Tool Path Precision File->Preferences->Advanced Tab-> Change to coarse. If you can see a noticeable difference
How do I install a driver for my machine if I do not have the CD or my CD or driver is out of date?
If you do not have a CD with the Roland print driver then you will have to download the driver. Before installing the driver DO NOT plug in the machine to the computer. This will start a auto install
Download Troubleshooting and Error Codes Guide
If you have an issue with your Roland CNC machine or it gives you an error code please download the correct troubleshooting guide below and look at the troubleshooting info and error code list. This w
Where can I get drivers, firmware upgrades, user manuals or software updates for my Roland Machine?
You can get all of these updates from the Roland Website. First go to Roland DGA website which is based in the USA. Choose your machine... Here you will find Drivers F
I lost my Users Manual where can I get a replacement for my Roland Machine?
You can get Users Manuals from the Roland Website. First go to Roland DGA website which is based in the USA. Choose your machine... Here you will find Drivers Firmware
I need instructions to upgrade firmware on my Roland machine?
You can get firmware updates and instructions for upgrading firmware from the Roland Website. First go to Roland DGA website which is based in the USA. Choose your mac
Where can I get software updates for my Roland Machine?
You can get software updates from the Roland Website. First go to Roland DGA website which is based in the USA. Choose your machine... Here you will find Drivers Firmw
How do I turn off material size restrictions in SRP Player?
When you need to make a part or have material that is just a little larger then what Roland SRP Player will allow on the rotary axis unit you can turn off the safety features of SRP Player software. O
Where do I get a part lists for my machine?
You can get a parts list for your machine by going to this page and accepting the terms and conditions. Parts List Request
What settings should I use to save an STL file from Solidworks?
When your part is complete save it as you would normally. So you do not loose any of your work. Now go to the File menu and click SAVE AS… The Save As dialogue box below will pop up. Scroll through